"Old Ladies" on the guard: Stand-up quarantine edition online - April 2020

Up to 28 connections to the live stream of stand-up on FB event page were recorded on Saturday 11-Apr-2020, where Elena Ames, Andrey Madan and Lev Frayman have performed live with some old and new performances for our club members. The team did an amazing job  collaborating between performances and songs, bringing some laughter and joy to our Russian-speaking community during this difficult time. "Old ladies" (selected members of the MMWC administration) have recorded their performances on the FB event page, so if you missed the live stream, please visit the FB page to check out the recordings. Our collaboration with the Russian Stand-up in Minnesota continues, and MMWC admins will visit Andrey Madan during his Satuday 25-Apr-2020 online stand-up performance. Please visit Lev Frayman's FB page for more details.